Saturday, May 26, 2012

My Dad Wants to Buy Tower Radiators

Every day before going to school, my dad has to remind me and my brother to properly place our towels in the rack. Unfortunately, we often wake up late and we are always in a hurry. The result is that most of the things that we use in the bathroom are misplaced. Wet towels are scattered everywhere. The next day, my brother would complain since he does not have any clean towel that he can use. That is when my dad gets really mad.

Since he really cannot stand dealing with our things scattered everywhere, my dad has finally decided to buy any of these towel radiators that are being offered online. My mom and dad are too busy with their jobs and other obligations. Of course, we also do not want to add to their problems. But then, it is just too difficult to place things in order since we have lots of things that we use in the bathroom. Aside from that, my brother and I always wake up late in the morning and we do not have enough time to clean the house. We also go home late since there are many school projects and other extra activities that we have to finish. Another problem is that, some of my cousins who are also living in the house cannot place their things properly on the rack.

I think it is a good idea for my dad to purchase additional bathroom racks and towel radiators so that things will be much more organized and clean. I know my father really hates it whenever he sees our house in such a huge mess. Once a week, we hire someone to clean the house. But getting a helper is not enough. We need to be disciplined and we need to have certain home items so that our house will not be topsy-turvy. 

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